My Mom has this certain Rubbermaid Tupperware container... it's the real kind of Tupperware from like 30 years ago that was meant to last a lifetime. The kind of Tupperware that required a kidney for deposit if you wanted to take it into school filled with cupcakes on your birthday. It's round, and a very boring opaque white color, with our last name written on it.
If you walked into my Mom's house and saw this container, you would think to yourself, "wow, that's really old and ugly. I can't believe she has this out in the open where people can see it."
But when I see this container out on the island, my heart skips a beat, and I rush over to it and open the lid. Ah yes, the beautiful sound it makes - a sort of "pop".
The sound of fresh cookies. Sour cream cookies, usually. And then I'd go about nibbling the delightful sweets, forgetting for a minute that there is an entire world outside that kitchen that exists without sour cream cookies - those poor suckers.
You see, my Mom loves to bake, and as far as I can tell, she has always loved to bake... more than most other things. Growing up in a house full of cookies, ice cream every night after dinner and plentiful candy dishes around the Holidays, I never realized how lucky I was... until I moved out. Suddenly I realized that while I might only have 2-3 cookies from every batch,
there was always another batch on the way! My own house hasn't seen a single fresh baked cookie since December 25th.
Even though my Mom worked 40 hours a week at a job that required an hour commute (each way), and weekends, holiday hours on a night shift... we almost always had those fresh cookies. Because of this, my siblings and I grew up to be cookie snobs of course, never putting a store-bought cookie or cake in our mouths, but that's a whole different story.
Last August my Mom was laid off from her job after 18 years, and she was not really sure what to do next. In fact, she's still not entirely sure what to do. But she knows what she enjoys doing, and that's baking. After many suggestions from family and friends to start a bakery, she has begun her research... and that's where this blog comes in. I convinced her to start doing some baking and some blogging and really figure out what steps she should take next. If nothing else, it's a surefire way to track what she has been up to in her "extended vacation".
So read on, blog world... as one woman's journey for purpose is fueled by her passion and parchment paper.